A Guy and His Toys!
You want to know what I'm playing?
I always find it interesting how everyone wants to know what equipment the other guys are playing. I have a really neat arsenal of trumpets and equipment that I use and I'm happy to share them with you.
Bb Trumpets
I have five Bb trumpets that I use for different types of playing that I have to do.
1940 Martin Handcraft Committee #2 bore
1950 New York Bach Stradivarius 37/25
1962 King Super 20 SilverSonic (H James)
1962 Mt. Vernon Bach Stradivarius 43/25
2016 Warburton 133 (s/n 006)
I also own a 2017 yellow and black pTrumpet which is fun to mess around with. I have yet to perform on it though ...
Harmony Trumpets
I have a few other specialty instruments that I use for various ceremonial playing.
Bach Stradivarius C Trumpet
Bach Stradivarius 4-valve Piccolo Trumpet
Cornet / Flugelhorns
I have a great cornet that is perfect for those tough Herbert L. Clarke solos and is also fantastic for jazz. My two flugelhorns speak for themselves.
1955 Mt. Vernon Bach Cornet
1965 Getzen Eterna Flugelhorn (previously owned by Bill Chase)
2016 Warburton FL-31Flugelhorn
I absolutely LOVE mutes! I have so many mutes I have lost track of them all! Listed below are a few of my favorites!
Tom Crown Adjustable Cup Mute
Glenn Miller Tuxedo Plunger Mute
Humes & Berg Solo Tone Mute
EasyBucket Mute (this one is awesome)
TrumCor Practice Mute
I also have a full set of Warburton Woody mutes. They sound fantastic for solo work and blend pretty nicely too!
This is what EVERYONE wants to know about. Mouthpieces are the "magic bullet" of trumpet playing. While I totally believe that it takes the perfect combination of mouthpiece, trumpet and player to make it all work, a mouthpiece alone will not transform your playing. I also believe that you need the right tool for the job so having multiple pieces that work in different situations is a vital part of being successful. Let the demand of the work dictate what mouthpiece you need.
Here are some of the mouthpieces that I currently use. Again, these are just my personal choices.
Bach 3 small letters [gold plated]
Bach 3C small letters [gold plated]
Warburton 4MC top w/6 backbore (legit)
Warburton 4MD top w/6 backbore (jazz)
Warburton CK top w/10 backbore (lead)
Warburton 4MD top/9* backbore (cornet)
Bach 3E (I use this on piccolo trumpet)
Warburton 4FL/18 (flugelhorn)
GR Technologies 66FD (on Getzen flugel)
Other Recommendations
There are other items that I think are very important to have. Listed below are a few of the things I recommend.
Arban's Conservatory Method for Trumpet
Tonal Energy App (tuner/metronome)
Ultra Pure Valve Oil
A Microfiber Cloth (for wiping down your trumpet after playing)